Monday, March 14, 2011

Quote of the Week

Photo Credit:  Jannie Funster

This picture was taken by my friend, Jannie Funster, a fellow blogger.  I thought it would be a perfect fit for my Quote of the Week, so I asked permission to use her photo.

In case it's hard to read in the picture, here is the text.
Peace.  It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart- unknown
Peace is not where you are or what is going on around you, and it isn't in your mind, peace is a state of the heart.  When you have achieved this, you can be at peace anywhere.


  1. Linda,

    I loved how both you and Jannie used this quote. I agree totally with it.

    Thanks for sharing this:~)

  2. Hi Linda .. Jannie always has the right words .. and your thoughtful quote here for this troublesome week .. some will need an enormous amount of peace in their hearts ..

    Great words - thank you .. Hilary

  3. Oh, I love this quote. Now if only I could achieve this!

  4. Really nice quote, not too easy to achieve.

  5. Talon- Thank you.

    Sara- It's a great quote - thanks to Jannie for letting me use her picture.

    Hilary- There will be many struggling with that this week.

    meleah rebeccah- It's something that is easier said than done.

    Linda- Thanks.

    DameMeow- True it's not easy.

  6. This is really beautiful, Linda. I haven't quite achieved it yet, but I am still trying. :)

  7. Jayne- Thank you! I'm not there yet either.

  8. I think I need to tattoo that someplace as a reminder! Lately, I have been feeling very peaceful (the new job is going smashingly well) and I realized how long it's been since I felt this way. Great quote Linda!

  9. Nicky- It is indeed a beautiful quote, and one we should think about and take to heart regularly.

    I am glad your peaceful feeling has returned, and that your new job is going well. It is hard to be in a job that just isn't a good fit.


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