Wednesday, March 5, 2025

This One's For You

 Hello Friends,

As of the writing of this post, it has been 42 days since President Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 47th president of these United States. That was a day that will live in history forever. It was the beginning of a new era for the U.S. and by extension, the entire world.

This is especially true for the 77.3 million people who voted for him. We're getting what we voted for. Some on the left side of the political spectrum will complain that he has done nothing for the price of eggs. Wow, is that the best you got? He did not run on a platform of bringing down egg prices. He ran a campaign based on promises to the citizens to secure our borders and keep citizens safe. He promised to rid the country of the DEI that we have been plagued with for far too long. He campaigned to reduce government spending and waste that have nearly bankrupted this country, and finally he wants to end the war between Ukraine and Russia. I will leave the detailed writing on this to those who are much more knowledgeable. Just as an FYI, "those more knowledgeable" is not the main stream media or the many liberal publications that exist merely as propaganda machines.

I titled this post "This One's For You". What that means is simply this. I am sick and tired of those endlessly bashing of our President and his administration, to include all those he hand picked for their positions. I am sick and tired of the manic TDS rants from individuals sitting in their cars screaming, and women shaving their heads and vowing not to have children while Trump is president. That, for the life of me, makes absolutely zero sense. These are the people that are whining that they are losing their rights. Just exactly what rights have you lost in the past 42 days. I'll wait.

There are swamp critters (politicians and bureaucrats) who are now crying that Trump is trying to weaponize the DOJ. This is hysterical and totally ridiculous, particularly since that is exactly what they did to him. 

The president has made the Southern border more secure than it has been in decades, yet the swamp critters insist on helping the illegals to avoid ICE and deportation. Now these illegals are not families with children looking for a better life. Many are hardened criminals that were released from prisons in other countries and then shipped here for the express purpose of invading our country. Trump has shut that $hit down.

He created DOGE, Department of Government Efficiency from an existing department in order to ferret out the excess, unnecessary, inappropriate and downright fraudulent government spending that has been ongoing and put an end to it. What got the most attention? At first it was USAID, which is not a humanitarian aid fund. It stands for United States Aid for International Development, which had very little to do with actual aid to individuals. Then there was social security. Now why on earth would anyone let an unelected person root around in our personal finances? Elon Musk and his team of experts are auditing all aspects of the government's finances. HE IS NOT AFTER YOUR MONEY. Understand the meaning of the word audit. Audit: An examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy. 

While we are on the topic of unelected persons getting all up in our business, let's look at Fauci. He tried to control our response to the plandemic. Then there are other groups like the WEF and WHO, that are trying to run the entire world and re-create it in their image. 

Now on to the subject of men participating in women's sports. The democrats are adamantly defending the "rights" of "trans women" over the rights of real women. How disgusting is that? They want to completely erase real women in favor of fakes. Everyone with two functioning brain cells knows that there is no such thing as an actual trans woman. You can have surgery, take pills and get injections, and you are still a man pretending to be a woman. It is an XY thing and chromosomes don't lie.

Next, we address the propaganda machine known as the "media". This includes ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Associated Press and publications like the New York Times. Okay, why are they considered as propaganda machines? Well, they all have one approved narrative that is in lock step with the far left, progressive liberal segment of the government. Any opinions or even facts that are moderate or right of center are either twisted completely out of context or not reported on at all. Sometimes things are even know blatant lies. You'll have to research this for yourself. Let's just say that "they" knew about Biden's cognitive decline a long time ago. BTW, have you seen all the lawsuits being filed? Some are justified and others are just people whose noses are out of joint because they were called out on things they said or other misdeeds. 

So, for four very long and very painful years we endured the $hit show of Biden and his puppet masters. We were the laughing stock of the world. We had one chance. The future of America was riding on this election. Thank God we have been given that chance. People, we need to unite behind our president. That is the only way to stop the advancement of socialism, marxism or outright communism. They tried to take away our freedom of speech during covid by pressuring social media to censor anything to do with covid or the vax once it was available. They suppressed information on drugs and treatments that would help, and instead said stay home until you can't breathe, then come to the hospital for remdesivir, which is dangerous to your kidneys. People lied. People died.

I think We the People have earned the right to "do it our way" this time. This is our chance. Let's not blow it. Take care everyone, and I'll see you next time.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How Much Is Your Opinion Worth?

"In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing." - Mark Twain

I am running into this more and more often these days, especially on social media. It seems no one wants to do their own research. They read something they agree with and boom it is the absolute truth and they share it to all their friends. Let them read something they disagree with, then pow it's the most vile thing ever. Both reactions stem largely from preconceived ideas based on what they have read or heard previously.

If we're being honest, we have all done that. With reference to the latter, it is sometimes a knee-jerk reaction. I have done that out of sheer frustration at incorrect information. However, it is because I have done my homework, read articles, watched interviews and followed links provided to try and ferret out the truth. I find that the closer you can get to the horse's mouth, so to speak, the more likely you'll discover what was actually said or done and why. 
So when I read someone's post who shares something that completely goes against what I believe (based on my own personal beliefs and the aforementioned research) well, I don't always react wisely. For any such reaction, I'm sorry, but not for my stance on the issue or my beliefs.

The above quote by Mark Twain pretty well sums up how people get to where they are with their opinions and just how much those opinions are worth.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Ch Ch Changes

 Hello Friends!

Are you tired of winning yet? I'm certainly not. Finally, we got what we voted for, and for what this country has been needing for absolutely decades. It has been just over three weeks, and all I can say is WOW!! I can tell that most of you agree. 70% of Americans say that President Trump is fulfilling his campaign promises.

As to be expected, there is a lot of wailing, moaning and gnashing of teeth coming from those on the left side of the political aisle, but you know that those who complain the loudest have the most to hide and they are afraid.

Also, there are every day folks who didn't get what/who they voted for [insert serious thanks here], and for some reason they are fearful or frantic that Elon Musk, who was not elected by vote, but appointed by a sitting President, is auditing all the facets of the U.S. government. By the way they are ranting, you would think their own personal money is in jeopardy. For some politicians and other government folks, this is a distinct possibility, but for the rest of you, relax. The data is read-only.

We will touch on a few of the things that have been going on (I don't have the time or the skill to keep up with the day to day, hour to hour happenings).

USAID seems to be what is on most people's minds at the moment. By the way the screamers are acting, you'd think they're are pulling the whiskers off kittens. Look, the only way to bring our country back is to tear down and rebuild that which is corrupt - and the corruption runs deep, as does the ridiculous spending for things like transgender comic books for kids, and DEI training for various countries/groups.

Funding has also supposedly gone to support terrorist organizations, and media companies, some of which have had ties to communists. Not all spending for even legitimate causes got to it's intended recipients. The house cleaning is real and desperately needed.

In addition, to the wasteful and very questionable spending, some other interesting things have happened.

Ft. Bragg in North Carolina has been restored. It had been renamed Ft. Liberty by the previous hiss.

The NCAA has agreed to prohibit men from competing in women's sports.

The southern boarder is being secured, and illegal border crossings are down over 90%. Deportations are underway.

The U.S. has withdrawn from the World Health Organization (WHO).

The U.S. has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Accord.

The Gulf of Mexico has been renamed to the Gulf of America. That is controversial among some, but considering that Mexico is part of the North American continent, it seems reasonable to me.

All in all, I would say that we are getting what we voted for. Trump 2.0 is kicking butt! Oh, and the new White House Press Secretary is awesome. Hats off to Karoline Leavitt.

Until next time, take care and stay safe.

P. S. Be careful what you read because some sources are not credible, and also do your own research. I saw an instance of that earlier today.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day

Whether you celebrate Valentine's Day or not, 
I hope you have a purrfectly wonderful day.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Change is Coming

Does anyone else feel a sense of relief? Change is in the air. 

We have hope where once the future looked bleak.

We see freedom and justice where previously we saw unjustly held political hostages. 

We see common sense returning, pushing out the woke insanity that has been building for years.  

We have freedom of speech again instead instead of being silenced because of our opinions.

We see a return to hiring based on merit and filled by qualified individuals and not based on color, gender, ethnicity or LGB status.

We feel a renewed sense of pride in our country, and not the pride of rainbow colored flag.

These are all things and feelings that have been missing for too long. To paraphrase a fellow blogger, I am glad that the 4 long years of 2020 are finally over. If you know, you know.

Until next time, take care everyone.

*Image is AI generated by GROK.